Unlimited Monthly
Up to 4 Appointments per month (Original or Rapid Formula)
Gift a friend for $10
Extended hours on request
Priority status on our waitlist
50% off facials during your bday month
Single Monthly:
One silver tan a month
$10 upgrade to Rapid
$39.99 additional tans
*Membership cancellations must be made 24 hours before charge date.
*Memberships are non transferable.
Tanning Packages
Signature 3 Pack
3 “Soak It In” Silver Tans
Upgrade to Rapid $10
Tans Never Expire
Signature 5 Pack
“Soak it in” Silver tans or “Ready to Shower in 2-5 hours” Rapid Tans
Tans Never Expire
*Tans are non-transferable