What to Know About the Benefits, Cost, Pain, and More
Dermaplaning — aka the exfoliating treatment that involves gently scraping the surface of your skin with a surgical scalpel.
Even though it sounds like just another BS treatment with too-good-to-be-true results, dermaplaning is actually one of the most effective dermatologist-backed solutions for dealing with dull, blah skin.
Will dermaplaning make my hair grow back thicker?
Contrary to what you’ve been told, dermaplaning (and shaving!) will not make your hair grow back thicker or darker.
Once your hair begins to grow back, it might feel different because the hair was cut straight across,
but it’s actually the same texture as it was before
and it will continue to grow at the same speed.
Are there any side effects of dermaplaning?
In the hands of a professional, dermaplaning is safe for most skin types, especially those with sun damage, fine lines, dry patches, and dull skin.
But of course, there are caveats:
If you have highly reactive, sensitive skin (like those with keratosis pilaris or cystic acne), you may want to pass on this one, since it might irritate your skin.
After dermaplaning is performed, you may experience a very light redness for about 30mins -1 hour. However it's quite rare!
Will dermaplaning cause breakouts?
Quite the opposite, actually.
A buildup of dead skin can clog your pores and hair follicles, which can not only cause pimples but also block your skincare products from penetrating the skin, which is why exfoliation is essential for maintaining an even, healthy glow.
If you are already having an existing breakout, our aestheticians can safely work around your acne!
Does dermaplaning hurt?
The thought of a blade sliding across your face is a scary one, I agree,
but it’s not actually painful at all.
Think of it like shaving any other part of your body.
Can you feel it? Yes.
Does it hurt? Not if you’re doing it right.
Again, that’s why it’s super important to leave dermaplaning to professionals.
Is there any downtime after dermaplaning?
Some light redness can be expected but not always.
It’s perfectly fine and common
to make an appointment during lunch and go right back to work after the 45-minute treatment
Is dermaplaning the same as shaving?
Not at All! Shaving the face removes the vellus hair, commonly referred to as “peach fuzz”. Professional dermaplaning also removes vellus hair but has additional benefits that cannot be achieved by shaving your face at home. At home facial razors are not able to achieve the same level of depth to remove the dead skin cells.
Dermaplaning is an exfoliation treatment, with the added benefit of removing vellus hairs. With dermaplaning, a trained esthetician uses a sterile surgical blade to remove vellus hairs and dead skin cells. Vellus hairs trap oil and dirt on the skin surface, especially for individuals with oily skin. The build up of dead skin cells dulls the skin and can clog pores.